
Monday, December 15, 2008


It is so cold here in Colorado! When I woke up this morning, the thermometer on the back porch read -5 degrees Fahrenheit! The car thermometer confirmed -4 on the way to work at 6:30. When I drove home from work at 5:00 it was 7 degrees-Fahrenheit! I took a picture of the thermometer at 6 this morning but it didn't come out-sorry mom! It snowed some yesterday and the roads were a little icy today, but it wasn't horrible. I think we only received a couple of inches overall. It is supposed to snow tomorrow, though.

I will be happy when I am in 50 degree weather along the gulf coast over Christmas! The snow is pretty, but I swear I can feel my nose hairs freeze when it is so cold outside. Gigi runs outside to go to the bathroom and immediately is ready to be back in. I can't blame her; who would want to have to go outside to use the bathroom and stand in bare feet in the snow when it isn't as warm as zero outside!

On the crafting front, I am sewing but it is slow. I am trying to wrap everything up at work this week before break and it is super busy. I also am working on Christmas presents so I can't share pictures! I also may be getting sick or am sick. I have had a sore throat since Friday and I keep waking up in the middle of the night severely dehydrated. I feel as if my tongue is twice the size it should be and I am drinking two huge glasses of water a night. I must make it until Friday when I am off for Christmas then I can be sick for a couple of days before we travel to see family. I will probably not be posting here very much as a result for the next couple of days.

I did post a review of a book I read recently here. Happy Monday everyone!


  1. We haven't been quite that cold - but plenty cold! (10*) We do have about 8-9" of fresh powder here in our little valley - too bad I don't ski - the slopes are all set :)

  2. Johnny said to let you know that down here in the good old south at 10:15 (Central Time), it is 62 degrees! Hurry on down!

  3. Brrrr is right! Bundle up, eat well and get what rest you can that you may not only get through the week, but really get to enjoy your Christmas break. Should we not see you before...Safe travels & a holiday time of great love, cheer & peace!

  4. Take some vitamin C tablets several times a day--maybe you can ward it off. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means you can't really take too many--you pee out the extra. But, since it's a "stress" vitamin, meaning your body needs and uses extra when you're stressed or sick, you can use it up quickly. Taking it several times a day keeps your level up.

    You might already know that, but just in case you didn't...

    Wow, so cold!! We're having unseasonably warm temperatures here--rainy, but in the 50s.

  5. I would not be able to handle that kind of cold. brrrr is right. Hope you feel better soon. And isn't it no fun when you sew all these things and you can't show them off on your blog because they are gifts. :o)


  6. I can not imagine what it is like to be that cold! Thank goodness for crazy southern weather. I am so sad that you will not be coming through BHAM this year for Christmas. :(

    I hope that this week goes fast and easy for you. Feel better!

  7. And I've been complaining of 20 degrees - oh I feel for you! We are supposed to get major ice/snow storm tonight and tomorrow so....

    Hope you stay warm!

  8. Wow, that is cold. We just hit freezing tempratures so compared to you, my 30 degrees is quite mild! I hope you don't get sick! Bundle up, and take care of yourself!

  9. when are you heading out for christmas? i got your giveaway prize package in the mail today ... i hope it gets there before you skip town.


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