
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh Christmas tree skirt...

I finished my Christmas tree skirt last night. I pieced it and quilted it this past weekend. It actually went together pretty quickly. I was inspired and loosely used the tutorial over at crazymomquilts. There were a couple changes due to the fact I needed a little tree skirt not for a big tree.

We have a table top tree at my house. This is the first year we have actually had enough ornaments to completely cover it! I collect an ornament from every place we visit so it is full of places we have gone. I like that aspect. It also has many snoopy ornaments from my husband's childhood, too.

I am proud of the fact that I did not have to purchase a single thing to make this skirt. It all came from my stash! I had leftover Christmas fabric from last year, leftover batting cut away from previous quilts, and scraps of red and green fabric.

I also have enough scraps leftover that I am going to make a table runner based off the same design with bigger log cabins.


  1. You know, when I first jumped over here this morning (pre-post) I saw the tree skirt up on the slideshow. I was thinking, "Wow. I haven't seen that before!" It caught my eye right away. I love it! And I love your tree, too, with all the ornaments that mean something special to you and your husband. "Now that's what Christmas is all about!"

  2. I love it! I just finished mine (well, have to do a little quilting yet today -ran out of thread) but I really like your's with the red green and white - looks so good with the tree. And I love all your ornaments and how they are special. Very pretty!

  3. it is gorgeous. I just love it and your table top tree. It puts me in a Christmas mood.

  4. I did the same thing - saw the slideshow photo and it intrigued me before this post. I love everything about it. The fact that you didn't buy a thing for it, and can also do a table runner. I love the fact that your ornaments are from your ramblings :) and that you still have your hubby's Snoopy ornaments from childhood. That is cooler than cool! And I'm so impressed that you already have your tree up and decorated!

  5. Oh, that is so cute, and it looks great under the tree! Very impressive that you had enough fabric in your stash to do it!

  6. Love your log cabins - your skirt looks great! How fun that you got to picture it with your tree already too :)

  7. the tree skirt turned out wonderfully! love your tree!

  8. Love you tree skirt, will you come do my tree and a new tree skirt/table runner for me?

  9. MamaB, since you are my mama, I will make you whatever you would like!:)

  10. Your tree skirt is festive. I love it. I'm stopping by in honor of Thanksgiving to thank you for the joy you bring in my life.

  11. G'day Audrey
    This has come up a treat ... what a wonderful idea ... I too have a smaller tree - not quiet as small as yours ... ummm food for thought here ... thanks for sharing ... OOroo ... Bethel of Bethania

  12. Audrey me again ... I was so busy admiring your quilt that I hadn't read the text really well ... what a grand idea to collect ornament from you travels & having some of DH snoppy ornaments. I have two glass ornament left-over from my pasted Dad's collection - they are very precious... I also have a couple that I collect at a Christmas shop I found when I visited Fisherman's Wharf in San Fran. some years ago... but my tree is too small but they have pride of place hanging from our arch between rooms ... thanks for sharing the memories... OOroo ... Bethel

  13. Dana is a wonderful person, it's good you came out of the silent adoration and let her embrace you. She has a gift that is hard to describe but everyone feels it when they visit her blog. She makes everyone feel like a specail person....that is why 3000 people post when she gives away quilts. I used her playlist to have nice background music, also. Now I have my own Playlist which I love and it is all due to Dana, I copied a lot from hers. I have discoverd great music that touches my soul and Dana will always be in my life.

  14. WOW! You are a superstar!
    Coming over from BWChallenge!

  15. your tree skirt turned out lovely! and hurray for using everything you had on hand! that's a terrific feeling, isn't it???


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