
Monday, November 10, 2008

Craftster Lap Quilt Swap: Signups are up!

All right, for those of you who are interested there is another lap quilt sign up in progress over at Craftster. They usually fill up pretty quickly, so if you are interested sign up fast! Right now it is open to 36 spots. You can sign up for 1 group, 2 groups, or 3 groups. There are a couple of restrictions from craftster. You must have been a member for at least a month and have at least 15 posts.

Sign-up date range: 11/10-11/17
Date to send item by: 12/3 for fabric; 2/17 for blocks

It is a lot of fun! Here is one quilt top made from two previous swaps:

These are some of the blocks I made for the last swap:

I don't have my blocks pieced together from the latest quilt swap, but I will link to other fabulous ones like sewhelpme's, quiltdad's, ritapizza's, and athenamat's. Athenamat was the original organizer behind this whole creative endeavor on craftster and we hope she will be watching fondly from the sidelines (from this round only!) as she embarks on her first "real" job as a lawyer. Sewamy has also been a past participant but I can't find any good picks of her quilts right now from the swap.

Are you enticed yet? So sign up already!
Go here to check it out!
More links to pictures/blogs to come!


  1. Beautiful, beautiful. I know how much fun these swaps must be. I hope to join some day, when I feel my skills are up to the level of participants like yourself. In the meantime I'll live vicariously as a quilter through the net! :)

  2. Oh :( I was hoping to sign up (it was very nice of you to tell us how!) but I haven't been a member for a month! I'll have to look into that.
    I like that you made the same block for most, so we know which one is yours!

  3. sounds like fun, but i can't take on one more thing before christmas. maybe the next one.

  4. Ok I signed up but I have a question. I know I send minimum 3 fabrics equalling 3/8 yard total to each person in my group. Exactly what size pieces would I send of 4 fabrics to equal 3/8? Really in all what would you say suitable pieces are to send to equal the yardage and have a good variety?

  5. Well, I've signed up... hopefully. It might be too late. I was a bit late coming around (been away for a bit) But I'm back now. and I LOVE all that you've done at Craftster. Of course it's nice that you've kept posting the pics all along!

  6. Amy K., I am so glad you joined! jq_adams, posted a pretty apt description on the board, so I won't repeat that. One way to figure it out is if you cut fat quarter(s) into fourths and include 5 of those. So a fat quarter is 18x22 so that is:
    -five 9x11 pieces
    or ~four 11.25 x11 pieces
    or ~three 15 x 11 pieces
    I generally buy a yard and send approximately a 11x-12 inch piece of each of my fabrics.

    So for 11 people, one yard of fabric will give you 12 pieces, so you need about 4 yards total if you are swapping with 11 other people. This is what I do, but I am sure there are other ways to do it!


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave me a note! I appreciate you!