
Monday, October 6, 2008

Craft Fair

On Saturday we went to the Craft Fair that was close by our house.
There was lots of crafty goodness going on. We puchased some soap and a little pumpkin hat for my niece-pictures of that to come later. I need to learn how to knit!
We had a little picnic and thankfully it didn't rain. The sky was very overcast for Colorado, though. We then walked home! Isn't it nice when you don't have to use the car?
Happy Monday everyone!


  1. I love it that everyone is just sitting around on the grass having a good time!

    And who is that cute little white furball?

    Looks like it was a really nice day for it, too.

  2. Knitting is super easy!! I found a cute little berry hat I am going to make my own niece for Christmas.

  3. Hi there... Came across your blog... love your work, but what really caught my eye was your puppy!! I have a Maltese too... 13 (in November) year old Miss Molly... the most beautiful dog in the whole wide world!! You can see lots of pics of her on my blog!! Lx

  4. How fun! I need to find more of that sort of thing locally. It didn't rain there because it was dumping here in Utah :)


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