
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Broncos Football Sunday!

This past Sunday we attended our first real NFL game at Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium to see the Broncos play against the Buccaneers.

It was a gorgeous day and then, typical of Colorado weather, turned cold(ish) and rainy. Seriously, I wore a long sleeve shirt because it was supposed to be in the 60's but I had to role up my sleeves and roll up my pants to cool off! I also got sunburned. (It might snow here this weekend...) The juxtaposition of those two things is strange to me, but typical of weather here.

After half-time, it started to rain but just a little bit. Thank goodness! It really was a beautiful day. I love the mustange sculptures they have leading up the steps into the stadium.

I love going to football games. I don't really like watching most games on t.v., but I really like the whole football experience.

I believe this is due to my dad taking me to football games when I was six-we had season tickets to Auburn football games for years. I think I attended 80-90% of all the home games at Auburn from the time I was 6 until I was 23 years old. That is a lot of football. When I was little, my dad would take a small t.v. that would hook into the cigarette lighter and I would watch cartoons while Dad talked to family that was also at the game. Later, the next year(?), my mom and my little brother started coming with us to all the games and it really turned into little family reunions each weekend at Auburn.
We didn't really tailgate because we rode the lightrail to the stadium. I love public transportation here! We actually drove about a mile-we really could have walked. I love Broncos colors-orange and blue! Plus, I really like their mustang logo. It fulfills two loves of mine-Auburn colors and horses. The Broncos won against the Buccaneers-that always helps when your team wins. :)

I have been able to do some sewing this week too! I should be able to share some of the progress I have made on two in progress quilts tomorrow. (I have almost 20 new 9 patches ready to be sliced up for my scrappy disappearing nine patch quilt!)


  1. That looks like such fun - I LOVE football games. And you had beautiful weather for it, too.

  2. So, are NFL games as much fun as college football games?

  3. What fun! I love going to live football games. And NFL are more fun than college (me thinks) if you can believe it.

  4. I am so jealous! I am a huge football fan, but I have yet to attend a NFL game. It sounds awesome.

  5. I love football, too! There is nothing like sitting down to sew and watching a game.

    Bummer of a loss against the Jags.


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