
Thursday, October 30, 2008

50 States Quilt Block Swap- Can you guess the state?

This will be the last state to guess for a while...

(click to make bigger!)
I love these otters! This state used to have a huge population of sea otters but they were hunted to almost extinction back in the late 1800's. They only have six animals in the state now which are located at the zoo and at the aquarium. So I am using these little otters to represent what was once lost.

The background fabric is nuts. No, it isn't crazy! Silly you! There are nuts on this fabric. Why? This state is the only state to have a state nut, the hazelnut which is also known as a filbert. I was hunting for beaver fabric and salmon, but they were impossible to find. Goldfish or koi are everywhere, but salmon isn't so easy. The beaver is on the state flag.

This was the hardest state for me. I have one state left, for which I only need to make one block for me. :) Good luck!

Answer is now in the comments!


  1. Haven't a clue.......Wisconsin or Minnisota, maybe? Anyhow - love the fabrics you used - I'm not sure I've ever seen beaver fabrci - where'd you get it?

  2. This IS a tough one. I'm going to say Washington, especially since you said this was a difficult state for you to make a block for. Thanks for this fun geography quiz! I've enjoyed it.

  3. Oregon! Sea Otters are a NW animal. I saw them alot in CA and AK sometimes when I was out that way.

  4. Yep, Oregon, for sure. And I have a bunch of salmon fabric -- it was a print in the "Full Moon Forest" line, which I used for the quilt-a-long. I could have sent you some! : )

    50 states block swap looks like it was a lot of fun -- can't wait to see all the blocks together.

  5. Um what about Alaska? Everyone else already took my other guesses!

    I've been playing catch-up again - your state blocks are great!

  6. This is so awesome. We love otter in our house. I guessed Alaska, but I am probably wrong.

  7. I used salmon fabric for my AK blocks. I got it from some lady in AK that sells AK themed fabric. Shen on the internet somewhere. I dont even remember the site. I just found it searching for AK type stuff.

  8. I say Oregon. I cheated and asked my hubby. He is from Oregon. But I knew enough to think it might be. But he confirmed it.


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