
Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Mail!

I have had some great mail over the last couple of weeks. A couple weeks ago I received my square fro j_q_adams aka. quiltdad. Isn't it great? He used the wonky log cabin tutorial by Jacquie. It is one of my favorite things.

He also knew that I needed some oranges and purples to finish off my postage stamp quilt so he sent this great array of fabric. The oranges in the top right corner are full fat quarters! I am so excited about these and have already been cutting them up and using them in the quilt. Thank you so much John! Progress pictures to come soon on that quilt. I have 35 10" squares now- can you believe that is 3,500 1.5" squares that are sewn together? I will be asking for advice soon on what looks good as a layout.I came home from work today and found this 12x16 box packed full from whoopdedoo_5 who is in the Craftster Lap Quilt Swap with me. She had been looking for 1.5 inch squares for her postage stamp quilt and I pm'd her to see if she wanted to trade. She already had plenty of squares for her quilt but was still willing to trade fabric for my scrappy disappearing nine patch.

Earlier this week, she told me she was shipping me a box and I could just send what I thought would be an adequate amount back to her. When she told me that she had a 12x16 box full of fabric, I realized that my stash would probably not be big enough.

So I told her I would craft her something in return with some fabric. Of course, now I see that she sent me a huge amount of awesome novelty fabrics. Yes, dear readers, all of this fabric piled on the floor is from her. The last two are close ups so you can see some of the great patterns piled in here.

I think I am going to have to send her something extremely cool in return for all of this. Don't you think? Any ideas for cool items let me know. She likes dogs and cookbooks and fabric- obviously.

I am continuously struck by people's generosity on blogs and on craftster. It is amazing how much people will do for other people they have only spoken to virtually. I find it equally amazing that I have people who I call friends and who inspire me artistically across the United States and the world-most of whom I have never met face-to-face.


  1. Isn't this fun? I love seeing what other quilters are doing and what fabrics they collect and how their sewing rooms are set up, etc.

    Like one big happy guild!

  2. way to go John...great block...and that is one big honkin pile of fabric. wow! wouldn't you like to see her stash! i know what you mean about these crafty generous, kind group!

  3. wow, her fabric stash must be big. That is a lot of different prints. Love the wonky log cabin block too. One day I want to make a whole quilt using wonky log cabin blocks.... one day. :o)

  4. happy mail indeed.... and a fabulous block you've made. The wonky log cabin is loads of fun. All in all, excellent 'gets'. I haven't done a swap at Crafster yet, I must get in the game I think!


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave me a note! I appreciate you!