
Monday, September 22, 2008

Craftster Lap Quilt Swap Progress

I finished three more blocks for the Craftster Lap Quilt Swap this weekend. These are for lourapalmr, critterpants, and jenicat.

I have a few more to go!


  1. These are so good! Love the different fabrics you are using. And the books look interesting - I'll have to sign up for one later on!

  2. So exactly how many people are in this swap? It will be neat to see all the blocks you get back!! I think that was a great idea to do all the same block. It really makes it easy to compare.

  3. Karen, in the entire swap there are 36! people. We are all broken down into 3 groups of 12. I am in two of the groups, so I will get back 22 blocks and make two for me. I wanted to see how an individual block would look with a variety of fabric choices which is what led me to use just one block. Many other people in the swap did different blocks for each person. Glad you like them! I will definitely post pictures of all the fabulous blocks I get back.

  4. The blocks are great. I really like the contrast in the one with the apples and pears. And I love all the colors in the one on the bottom. Have a great weekend!!!!


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