
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Can you guess the state?

I love this state. It is where my husband and I would go on impromptu vacations. I went with theatre buddies in college to Boone when they were working in summer stock theatre for Horn in the West. I spent my honeymoon here and got engaged here. I live near huge mountains now, but miss these tremendously. Can you guess the state? (without clicking the links, of course because, really, that is cheating!)

Thank you so much for sending me the focus fabric Stephanie! I love it! It completely reminds me of this state and what I love about it.

On another note, I bought and read Breaking Dawn yesterday. Many people seem to be unhappy with it, but I really liked it. I also see many weaknesses in this novel that I did not see in the other three. It is a little too "everything workes out for everyone" in the end. I do believe I am Switzerland when it comes to Edward Cullen and Jacob Black; how could you choose? I am also very sad that the series is over. I hate it when you find a series you like, read all of the books, and then there are no more. If you haven't read the series, I would recommend these. They are considered young adult, but I think they appeal to a pretty vast audience. If you have girls in high school or junior high, this is definitely a book that will hook them.

On another note, it has felt like late fall here in Denver lately. The high on Friday was 57 degrees and Saturday it was 59! It poured all morning Saturday, and I was wearing sweatpants and a sweater Saturday-in August! It snowed in the mountains above 11,000 feet. Very strange for August to me, of course I am from the South, so a day in the 50's doesn't really happen until late November-not August. I will say that it made for awesome sleeping weather with the low in the upper 40's and the windows open in the house. We don't have air conditioning so it was nice to have cool nights again. It is going to back in the 80's this week which I am very happy about. I am not ready for Winter yet.


  1. it must be north carolina...boone was the hint that clued me in...if it's the boone i'm remembering...

  2. I'd say North Carolina - but maybe not. I love the fabric though, whatever state it is!

  3. My roommate finished Breaking Dawn and said the same things that you did . Despite all of the readers that hated it, she liked it. I am going to read them soon, but I have too many books going right now.
    I love the North Carolina fabric by the way!
    I wish that the weather was as cool here as it is there. I am so ready for it.

  4. Oh, the blocks turned out so nicely! Glad you could do something with them!


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