
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What I did while in the car for almost twenty hours...

This past weekend we made the trip down to New Mexico to see my new niece. It was a great trip, although very short. We spent a long time in the car to get down there. It was about a ten hour trip one way.

We left around 1 o'clock on Friday and arrived around 11. To occupy myself along the way, I took many pictures.

Most of these were taken from the window of the car as we were rolling down the highway.

The above picture is from a gas station at the Raton exit off of I-25. It is a pretty impressive view from a gas station!

My favorite part of the drive was the windmill farm we passed. All of those tall structures you see along the horizon are windmills. There must have been a hundred of them surrounding the road that meanders through them all along the edge of a mesa top.I also worked on my yo yo quilt. I have around 200 4x4 squares. Along the way, I started sewing them into 8x8 squares and then into long strips. I would guess that this is almost 1,000 yo-yo's.


  1. Wow, you really kept your hands busy. Lucky you didn't have to do most of the driving.

    We lived in NM for 20 years, over 19 of it spent in Albuquerque. Those photos brought a smile to my face, though I'm happy to be back in the South again.

  2. I can't wait to see how your yo-yo quilt progresses. Perfect way to spend long hours in the car!


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