
Monday, July 14, 2008

Postage Stamp Quilt Progress!

I have been slowly working on my postage stamp quilt for a long time. I think since March. Here is my status. 2200 squares that are 1" square sewn together- 400 red, 700 blue, 400 green, 400 red, 300 purple, 300 yellow, and 100 orange. I want 5 10x10 squares of each color. I am pretty close to adding another purple, red and green-maybe yellow. Orange has been really hard collecting. I am considering not including the oranges because I still need 350 more orange squares.
They look pretty neat though!


  1. What a labor of's amazing! You have to keep the orange...I love this. I could never have the patience to stick with this. Way to go!

  2. Wow, that is absolutely stunning. I will definitely be sending you some scraps with my swap package!

  3. Wow - this is gorgeous. I can't even imagine the work that has gone into it! I have a (frighteningly large) stash in a whole variety of colors, including orange and purple. I'd be happy to ship some off to you if you'd like. Is this a charm quilt (no duplicate fabrics) or would you use multiple squares of the same fabric? Check out my blog for a photo of my stash - you'll see what I mean!


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