
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Craftster Lap Quilt Swap Fall: Good Mail today!

I went out to the post box this morning and received my first completed block already back to me by sewhelpme. Our deadline for sending is October 1st. I can not believe she is so speedy! Plus, it is beautiful and check out the little matching notecard she made. I may have to try my hand at that.

I am horrible at squinting at the computer to see something up close, or getting within inches to try to see something. My eyes are pretty bad. I learned an awesome trick today, though. If you press ctrl on your computer, and then the plus or minus keys on the number pad, it will make everything on your screen bigger or smaller. I got a huge, well I think it is large, screen for my birthday because my husband was tired of walking by and seeing me with my face up to the screen, but I was still having trouble seeing somethings-especially if someone uses weird or small fonts on a blog. I can now see!!


  1. I had to come by afte seeing you comment on Tallgrass Prairie Studio. I am from Birmingham, and know the area you referred to. I attended nursing school there across the street from Baptist Montclair Hospital, and rode the old bus to classes at UAB.

    Once I was really upset with my boyfriend, who is now my husband, and walked from the dorm up to a little corner grocery store there--and then was too tired to walk back. The store owner gave me a dime so I could call my roommate to come get me. No telling what he thought, but when my roommate brought me a dime to give back to him, he waved it off.

    I think it was a little safer walking around then.

    Memory lane....

  2. Thanks for the keyboard shortcut! I am a little blind, too and it helps so much.

  3. I like all your swap blocks! Really neat. Do you belong to any local quilt groups?

  4. Karen, I do not belong to any local quilt groups. Do you know of any good ones? I think it would be fun.


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave me a note! I appreciate you!