
Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have been working on this yo-yo quilt forever! Here is an in-progress shot. I have 163 squares of 4x4 yo-yos so far. That is a total of 2,608 yo-yos. I began this quilt in 2003. My goal is to finish it this year. I think I will need 200 hundred squares to fully cover a full size bed. I want it to hang over the mattress on both sides and go from the headboard to the box spring from the head to the foot of the bed.
Circles cut out to eventually become yo-yo's

Fifteen squares in length will cover from the headboard to right below the mattress. I will need thirteen squares across to adequately go from boxspring to boxspring I believe.

From circle to yo-yo

This picture is eleven rows across by fifteen squares down.

Therefore, I need two more columns of 15 to make it 13 squares wide and two more for that hole in the bottom right corner. That is only 32 more squares! Then I can start stitching it all together!

1 comment:

  1. You are certainly talented.I could use phoitos of your work to manipulate in programs like Photoshop.Do you want to collabarate/...thanks Tom Hardy


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