
Monday, March 17, 2008

Utensil Roll

At home, we use cloth napkins to try to cut down on waste. It just isn't that hard for us to throw them into the washer with whatever else we are washing. On that note, I use paper towels and plastic forks every day at work. I thought maybe I could cut down on that waste with a utensil roll. It will double as a placemat at my desk, and will store my napkin, knife, and fork. This is not my original idea but was inspired by all the crochet/knitting rolls that are out there. The next time I do this I will place my ribbon on the lower half instead of halfway because that will work better. The picture on the left is rolled up. It has a fork, knife, and spoon inside. Look how well it matches our tablerunner-this was not planned.
Here it is opened up. It is made so the top folds down over your knife, fork, spoon, and napkin so they don't fall out of the top. Now, it is kinda bulky so I do wonder how much I will actually use it. It can double as a placemat, so while I am eating my frozen dinners I can dine with real silverware, a cloth placemat, and a cloth napkin which is kind of appealing. Plus, the whole thing can be thrown into the washer. I will update you on how much it is used.

Check out the cute fabric on the front of the roll. My camera won't take good close up shots, but it is entitled pantry and has pans and pots hanging from shelves, dishes and plates sitting on shelves, and little bottles.

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