
About Me

Hi!  Thank you for stopping by!

I started this blog back in January of 2008 as a way of sharing what I was sewing and making with my family and was delighted to find that it has been a great way to meet new creative people from around the world.  I have always loved creating, and I would spend hours drawing when I was young.

I went to Auburn University for college, where I was a double major in Art and Theatre Arts.  My main focus was in painting, so it is interesting that I love sewing so much now.  I never worked in the costume shop the entire time I was in college;  all of my theatre lab time was spent in the scene shop building and painting sets. I worked for a couple of years in theatre as a scenic artist-painting the sets for production.  After I graduated, I obtained a Master's degree in Secondary Education in English, and I now  teach high school English and work with the theatre department at my school.

I have always loved quilts, and I always wanted to make one.  Back in 2003 while I was working in a theatre, I would drop in the costume shop and admire the costumes they were working on.  They would let me pick out the scraps, and I decided to make a quilt.  Since I didn't own a sewing machine, I decided to hand sew a yo-yo quilt.  Needless to say, I am still working on that quilt!  The sewing bug had bitten, and my mom lent me her old vintage 1970's Kenmore sewing machine.  I decided to just start sewing at the end of 2007 and taught myself by reading blogs.  I upgraded to a Bernina in 2009, which has made a huge difference in the quality of my work and my confidence in sewing.

In September of 2009, my daughter was born, and I found a new love of making dresses and clothes for her.  It is so fun seeing someone wearing something that you have made! I have loved venturing into the world of garment sewing, but my first love is still making quilts.

Thank you again for stopping by!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at audreygreensmith (at) gmail (dot) com.