
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Little Owl

 I made my daughter, Z, an owl costume for Halloween this year.  It is the first year that I made her one, but it was a lot of fun to make!  She is an owl, which I don't think a lot of people got.  Everyone thought she was little red riding hood, which doesn't make sense to me because her cape isn't red.  I forgot to add an orange beak to her hood which might have made a difference.  That is okay because she looked cute!

 I used the Children's Corner Lucy pattern for her dress, and I used the cape pattern from Growing Up Sew Liberated for her cape.  I then cut out many "feathers" for her cape and dress, fused them on using lite bond, and then sewed around each feather.  The cape is size 3-5, and she is two so it should fit for a while. 

She was so cute.  She said, "I'm an owl.  Hoot!  Hoot!", and then she would move her arms up and down to flap her wings.:)

The weather was perfect.  It was in the sixties when we started trick or treating and clear, unlike last week when it was snowing and we lost power for over 30 hours!  It is supposed to snow tonight, too.;(  I am glad it held off until after Halloween!