
Saturday, August 27, 2011

WIP: ABC quilt...almost done!

I have been making good progress on my ABC quilt!  I have all of the letters done, except for one "R" and one "G", and a friend is making those for me.  Woohoot!  Here are all the letters I have made recently...

"Y" is for yarn, yaks, yachts, yin and yang, yo-yo, yogurt, yoga, and yield or yeld.:)  Look at the yield sign closely...


 "Q" is for quilt and queen.  "Q" is hard to find!

"V" is for Volkswagon, vans, valentines, vampires, vulture, victrola, venn diagram, violins, and vegetables!

"Z" is for my daughter Zerah and Zebras!  I think this is my favorite because it has my favorite person on it!  It was fun finding pictures and printing it on this printable fabric for her.

 "X" is for x-rays and xylophone.

"H" is for hedgehogs, hippos, helicopters, horses and hands.  I love the little handprint I included; she did not enjoy having paint all over her hands though, and she immediately started yelling, "off, off, off!"

I have started on the backing, and I need to add a couple of borders to it.  I will share pictures of that soon.  I would not have been able to make a bunch of these letters if it weren't for the generosity of several quilting blogger friends who sent me some novelty fabric!
Thank you, Stephanie of Scraps, Cheryl of jovaliquilts, Melinda of quirkygranolagirl, Michelle of Michellesews, and Avivia_hadas on flickr!  These would not have come to fruition without your help!