
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sewconnected and Sewconnected 2: April

I got behind at the end of April and May, but I am slowly catching up with my blocks for the two sewconnected groups I am in!

These two blocks are for John, aka quiltdad who is the founding father of our group. I love the fabrics he sent out. He requested an assortment of sizes ranging from 6 1/2 inches square to 18 1/2 inches square and 6 1/2 x 12 1/2 to 12 1/2 x18 1/2 rectangular. I made him two blocks. The one above is 12 1/2 x 18 1/2.

The next block for John is 12 1/2 square. They were really fun to make, and I hope he enjoys them!

The next group of blocks is for Marilyn who requested a range of block sizes too! I made 5- 6 1/2" blocks for her. I started most of these in April and finally finished them.

Everything went in the mail yesterday so hopefully they will get to their final destination quickly and safely! I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Three by Three Nine Patch Swap

I signed up for twiddletail's three by three swap several weeks a go and have all my nine patch blocks ready to go!

I am also working on crazymomquilts "One a day" quilt a long with nine patches, too. Pictures to come soon, I am way behind on that one. I went a little nine patch crazy. I am really excited all the lovely nine patches I am going to receive!

Pay It Forward
Thank you everyone who wanted to play along! I will be sending a handmade gift to Tina, Stephanie D., and Erin O. I will be contacting everyone for you info. later today! I am really excited to see what I can come up with, but it very well may take me a year-hopefully not!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pay it forward!

Today marks the official beginning of my summer vacation, so it seems like a good day to play! I signed up for the Pay It Forward chain a couple of days ago on Karen's blog, Short Story Long.

{The Rules}
1. Be one of the first THREE (3) bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me - something crafty or yummy, who knows?!
2. Winners must post this challenge on their blog, meaning that they will Pay It Forward, creating a handmade gift -anything!- for the first 3 bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway!
3. The gift that you send to your 3 friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And remember: It’s the Spirit and the Thought that Counts!
4. When you receive your gift, please feel free to blog about it, sharing appropriate Linky Love!If you are not one of the Top 3 Commenters on this post, you can still play along. Go ahead and start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same.
REMEMBER... Pay it forward!

i love that I have a year to accomplish this because I have several swap obligations I need to catch up on first before I start. They are coming swap partners! Please make sure I have a way of contacting you if you sign up!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hello again!

I did not mean to be absent for almost a month! There has been some sewing going on, but this has been a crazy, hectic month around here. We spent two weekends out of town: one trip to Atlanta for a friend from college's wedding and a twenty hour in the car over the course of two and a half days weekend journey to Hobbs, NM to attend my niece's first birthday party. They were both incredibly fun, but exhausting. I generally sew on the weekend, so this led to much time away from the sewing machine.

Work has also been incredibly busy over the last month of school. I am not sure where the last month went! Only two more days until summer vacation! I will then have plenty of time to sew and read and gallivant around town.:)

Of course, you may be asking what bibs have to do with that? I am pregnant! We are expecting a little girl in September. She will be our first. This has helped lead to going to bed super early and general exhaustion all around. That is who these little bibs will be for come this fall. I am so excited about seeing her and all the fun things I get to make to welcome her in the next couple of months.

I will be posting more regularly now that I will have some time off. I also will be frequenting all of your blogs more and commenting! I'm sorry I have been absent, but I am coming back.:)